
Well the trivial round and common task take us to some rare and interesting places.  Glamis Castle comes round now and again as it did this Sunday morning.

The faithful Passat did a reasonable impression of a carriage and four down the immensely long drive.  We had Eucharist and Confirmation in the beautiful little chapel.  The guides say that one seat in the chapel is always reserved for the “Grey Lady” (supposedly a ghost which inhabits the castle), thought to be Janet Douglas, Lady Glamis.  Apparently no one is allowed to sit in that seat.  The Grey Lady did not emerge to give us her view of the sermon.  There is a confessional in the sacristy.  Neither did she appear to receive ghostly counsel.


  1. Sorry – forgot. But then we live on that stage as it were – with Dunsinane [Dunsinnan] Hill visible from the episcopal four-poster and Birnham wood just up the road.

  2. Did you mention the Scottish Play in the sermon?

    (Surely a temptation that would be hard to resist when reflecting on the self-destructive nature of our present economic order.)

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