Pray as you Go

So the next thing is to see how I get on with the Jesuit Media trial podcast download of ‘Pray as you Go’ – daily prayer for your MP3 player. I assume that this is about encouraging me to pray better – not that my MP3 player says its prayers or that I pray for it. It should work well now that I have the MP3 player set up to work in the car.  I did once attempt to learn Italian by using tapes in the car but it got dangerous when I had to wave my arms around to do the accent. This should be all right unless I close my eyes. I’ll let you know how I get on.


  1. My husband and I have been listening to your daily meditations and have been incredibly blessed! We’ve shared them with friends when we ‘ve gathered either socially or for a church group and the response has been enthuisiastic. We belong to a Mennonite church here in British Columbia and we’re hoping this program will continue after the Lenten season. One suggestion -is it possible to display the Scriptural reference so that we can go back during the day to read it. Thank you for this work – blessings to you.

  2. Thanks. Yes I think it is very good. I like anything that keeps ‘coming at me’ and pushing the discipline of daily prayer onto me. I have long been a fan of Oremus for that reason. I tried Pray as you Go on the MP3 player in the car – but, in reality, it is probably best when the MP3 player does what it does best – allows you to escape into a separate world.

  3. Just wondering how you’re getting on with pray-as-you-go … your readers might like to know where they can find it. The URL is

    Reaction we’ve been getting so far at Jesuit Media Initiatives (from Sydney to San José!) has been very positive.

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