
Lots more today about the arrival of the driverless car. At present it looks fairly much a local ‘take me to the shops’ kind of thing. So it will be important when I get a bit older and they say, ‘Maybe you should think about …’

Of course what I needed was the driverless car to take me home from our Cascade evening in Stirling last week. It was 40 miles on a dark and wet road and staying on the right side of the average speed cameras on the A9.

Driverless, I could have got on with reading Boris’ book on Churchill which I am working my way through at present. Of course it’s more about Boris than about Churchill. But he does a fascinating analysis of the oratorical devices in Churchill’s speeches – varying the length of sentences … using Anglo-Saxon roots because he believes that that is the way to tug at Sassenach heartstrings.

Food for thought for the preacher?