The wired decade

So I’ve made a determinedly up-to-date entry into the seventh decade – not before some more traditional celebrations here at Blogstead. This was the rather splendid Sachertorte – complete with spangly mitre and chocolate Poppy – made for the occasion by Philip. It was a great ‘do’ – full attendance of the Blogstead neighbours and friends. Another ‘blinking into the sunlight’ morning to follow.

So at various points over the last while, the IPhone and IPad – not to mention the Kindle and the permanent Bluetooth in the car – have made their appearance. And I’m doing reasonably well. The IPhone in particular has revolutionised the way we deal with the e mail. It’s so FAST. The one that I haven’t really got the hang of is the Bluetooth – mainly because it is supposed to be voice-activated. Which means that you bark instructions at it as in ‘Call Home!’ I’m exploring whether I can download a Scottish Episcopal Church Collaborative Ministry App for it. That would allow me to say, ‘Have you ever considered the possibility of/How would you feel about/I wonder if our consensus might be moving in the direction of calling home. …’