Just £1bn

I suppose this Valentine’s Day, I should be discussing the merits of Father Dougal’s Buckaroo Speed Dating Event.  But maybe we’ll leave that for another time.

Big event today for all of us who live to the north of the Forth was the announcement by the Scottish Executive that they intend to build a second crossing.  And it’s badly needed.  But, of course, nothing is as simple as that any more.  The possible second crossing was being discussed primarily as being about economic development in southern Fife.  But it’s also a climate change issue.  Continuing my survey of ‘interesting Car Parks with public transport attached’, Alison and I visited the Ferrytoll at the Forth Bridge – from which she got the 747 Stagecoach Service to the Airport.  She was the only passenger.


  1. I was phoned up by a market research company seeking my reaction to a rail link from Edinburgh Airport to Perth (part of EARL).

    In theory, great – but in practice the rail service between Edinburgh and Perth is a joke. It takes about an hour and a half to go 45 miles as the crow flies, unless you are very lucky and your schedule fits in with the ‘fast’ train through Fife, when it takes about 1hr 10 minutes.

    The track which could have been used went though Kinross, and was one that Beeching, in his shortsightedness, removed years ago.

    EARL will only succeed for us in Perth if trains are plentiful, affordable, not overcrowded and have extra places to put baggage.

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