In Society

Hot, hot day today in the Synod Office as the Church in Society Committee dealt with grants. It’s one of the remarkable things about the SEC that it gives quite significant amounts of support to places where the church is engaged in community. I keep wanting to explore the strand of tradition which links catholic tradition to work in areas of social and economic deprivation – the East End of London being only the most obvious.

Meanwhile back at Blogstead, another mild celebration as Trevor Williams is elected Bishop of Limerick. His diocese includes the sacred spot on the Dingle Peninsula where the tent blew away on our honeymoon. Trevor is an old friend – former leader of the Corrymeela Community, he then returned to parish life in the place where I started. I rang him up this evening. No complicated Canon 4 stuff for him – the phone just rang ‘out of the blue.’ Does the Spirit work like that?  Surely it must need more help?