Fuschia in bloom – glory of Donegal. #pisky

You know it’s a different climate out here in the Atlantic.  It’s been raining ‘quite a bit’.  We scan the forecast intently – knowing that we have already had the weather forecast for others tomorrow.  And then there is the fuschia which grows wild in our hedge here but shrivels up and dies in the Blogstead weather,   We are letting it bloom fairly chaotically even though I have periodic yearnings to get it into order.  The other thing which happens here is that people respond to the rain by going visiting.   People turn up and there’s talk …

Meanwhile, as my grandfather used to say, the reading rooms are open.

I’m enjoying a re-read  of Garrison Keillor’s ‘Lake Woebegon Days’.  His religious upbringing was with the Sanctified Brethren – ‘a sect so small that only us and God knew about it’

I’ve also got to his explanation of the FAA’s Coleman Course Correction – a result of the Coleman Survey of 1866 which omitted 50 square miles of central Minnesota.  The correction is experienced as a sudden lurch felt by airline passengers as flights descend into Minnesota airspace.

I’m also reading Lanark.  One of the reviews said that it is a challenging a read as James Joyce’s Ulysses.  I’ve never persevered long enough with Ulysses to know how challenging that might be.  But I’m keeping going for now