Greasy Elbows

I think that, after umpteen student Halls of Residence and flats positioned at various points on the cleanliness-squalor index, we were beginning to think that we had reached the end of helping our children to sort out new places to live.  But no.  Out came the Marigolds and various sprays and potions as yet another pad was given a light dusting today.  And, to be fair, I have to say that the standard is rising.

Still – it’s hard not to think back fondly of happy times repairing kitchen cupboards and shower curtains in all sorts of places – and removing unspeakable objects from the neglected corners of fridges.  Best of all was the first floor flat in the west end of Glasgow.  As Mark moved out, Anna became aware from the reactions of some passers-by that there had been a fire on the second floor and that the roof was just not there any more.   It’s always good to know these things, isn’t it?  Particularly when you are moving out.