Glad to be home

After four days in Ireland with the Celtic Bishops – and the last three days in Dunblane with our own Scottish Bishops – I have now emerged blinking into the sunlight.  Well, actually, into a torrential downpour.  Back in the parish, when – as they say – I felt that I was ‘losing the run of myself’ I would go out and do some visiting.  Just ordinary, everyday people.  Time spent with people would in some way bring me some healing and re-integration.  Church life can be immensely stimulating and even fun.  But it carries dizzying levels of incoherence – so much so that one goes home feeling that we have moored alongside problems for a while without doing very much to solve them


  1. Yes indeed. I enjoy what I do – but I do find it easier to feel the presence of Jesus in the emergency calls I used to do as a hospital chaplain that I do in the ecclesiastical mud-wrestling of a three day bishops’ meeting. Waiting for Easter …..

  2. A group of us have recently returned from a wonderful retreat at Alnmouth Friary, and there you get the impression that the brothers are firmly moored to Jesus and perhaps surprisingly, also to the ‘real world’.
    Anyway, we in the Diocese are very glad you are sharing our mooring for a while

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